Monday, March 12, 2007

I Had No Idea a Water Balloon Could Do That

A giant water balloon. A person in a port-a-potty. A very large audience. It's not just another formulaic prank, but a fusion of classic elements. The payoff in this video is unbelievable and I haven't laughed that hard for a while.

HUGE WATER BALLOON PRANK - More bloopers are a click away
Side note: Careful if you repeat this one. A guy in college tried dropping a giant water balloon on a girl's car just before her drive home for the summer. It broke straight through her windshield and soaked the worldly goods she had just packed up. So, it was even more hilarious than intended, but more expensive than intended as well.

Pranking a Wedding Cake? Seriously?

I've never really thought about how to prank a wedding, especially an element as integral as the wedding cake. I guess the fact that too many brides have been planning that day since they were six makes me think at least one person would find it severely unfunny. But would that make the prank even funnier for everyone else? I think that's a fair question.

Terrible Wedding Prank - The best free videos are right here

Textbook Example of the Shaving Cream Prank

Ahh, shaving cream in the hand of a sleeping friend. I can't think of an older prank. I bet the guy who invented shaving cream pranked someone the same way on the very night of its creation. It's so simple and it's so well executed in the video below.

Side note: Does this make anyone else worry about this soldier's survival reflexes?

Sleeping Soldier Prank - The top video clips of the week are here

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Monster under the floor

This prank is a simple idea. Stick a Japanese guy under a fake floor and have him pop-up at just the right moment. At first it seems like it would only be a mediocre prank, but someone bursting through the floor can be scary if you're not paying attention. Check out the reactions.

Funny Japanese Pranks - Watch a funny movie here

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

How to Sick Some Wal-Mart Greeters on a Friend

"No harm done" (except for explaining to your friend why you touched his ass).

Shoplifting Prank

How to Penny a Door Shut

You won't think pennies are worthless if you've ever used them for this.

Lock Someone In A Room Without A Key

I knew some guys who combined this trick with a vacuum cleaner that turned on when you plugged it in. At 3am, They dropped the vacuum in the room of a guy that was sleeping and ran the cord out the door. After pennying the door shut, they plugged in the vacuum and let the hilarity ensue.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Balloons and a Poor Sport

A room is filled with balloons, but the funniest part is the guys reaction. "Where did the air come from?"

Peanuts to the Top

One of the few good packing peanut pranks. The office is pretty much filled to the top. If you're gonna do a packing peanut prank, don't just fill a few drawers and get some on the floor.

A mix of cubicle pranks

The web team has done it again. Check out this mix featuring pwn3d cubicles. The girly cube is a nice touch.

Foiled cube

Foiled cubicle videos are as common as pop-up ads on the internet these days. In addition, the foil jobs are usually pretty poorly done-- wrap the monitor, chair and stapler and turn it into a lame 8 minute video. Yet when someone takes the time to foil the all of the walls, floors and even all papers you know it's a good job. Notice the glow on the ceiling above the cube.

Never say, "I can't get pranked."

Another take on the good ol' foil a cubicle prank. These guys should get gigs wrapping gifts over the holidays.

Michael Jackson Shrine

What's so bad about being a crazed Michael Jackson fan anyways? An office cubicle covered with Michael Jackson pictures and lyrics. I guess this is similar to foiling a coworkers cubicle.

Mechanical rats are the perfect prank tool

A donut box is set up with a motion detecting rat inside. The rat moves when the box is opened. Some of the reactions are pretty good, but someone tell these guys to stop filming when nothing is going on.

Can the DMV be pranked?

The guys over at day by day ( decided to prank the Virginia DMV. In this set of videos they make trips to the DMV disguised in ridiculous and obviously fake disguises. I can't believe how far they go. In the end the DMV always issues them a real license.

Part 1

Part 2

These guys are almost too nice to pull pranks

This video is longer, but it documents the execution of an elaborate office space prank. Good pranks require a good vision, proper planning, and sometimes even math as this video shows. So, pay attention in school and watch this to see how to envelop your co-workers desk space into a home for Inuits.

Two critiques:

1. Better know your target before starting
2. Don't tell your target what you did beforehand or watch expectantly for their first reaction. Just mess up their space and act like nothing ever happened.

Where did they get 3000 golf balls?

An SUV is perfect for a prank like this since it's harder to see down into the car: